
Do Sydney And Gage Get Married

" I know I'k not supposed to say this," he said. "Only I think I love you more than always. "

—Adrian to Sydney, in The Indigo Spell

Sydney and Adrian by AllexandraCurte.jpeg

Sydney Sage and Adrian Ivashkov'due south love is deep and complicated and one of the central focuses of the spin-off series Bloodlines.

History [ ]

Vampire Academy [ ]

Spirit Bound [ ]

Sydney Sage first sees Adrian Ivashkov on a security record from Las Vegas when Rose Hathaway was there to turn Dimitri Belikov back into a Dhampir. When Sydney sees Adrian, she tells Rose she thinks he'south beautiful.

Final Sacrifice [ ]

Adrian starting time sees Sydney at the Moroi Imperial Court when Sydney is captured along with Sonya at the Mastranos'. Adrian describes her as looking 'uptight' after she leaves with the other Alchemists. He later mentions her every bit 1 of the "victims" of Rose'south happy ending.

Bloodlines Series [ ]

Bloodlines [ ]

When she is sent to Palm Springs to protect Jillian Mastrano Dragomir, Sydney Sage in one case over again sees Adrian Ivashkov equally she comes with them to bring Jill to Palm Springs. At the offset Sydney dislikes Adrian considering he is a Moroi, but later on they become friends when she finds him smoking outside of Clarence'due south house. They begin talking; when Sydney calls him brilliant, Adrian begins to tease her and screams out that Sydney thinks he is brilliant.

I night, Sydney is wakened by Jill telling her to go get Adrian, who is stuck at Long Beach after a night of partying. Sydney goes to pick up him up and comforts him, but tells him that drinking doesn't take away anything. It is during this time that she also finds out Adrian brought Jill back from the dead, making her Shadow-Kissed, which she finds brave and selfless of Adrian.

They quickly go friends as Sydney spends large amounts of fourth dimension at Clarence'south House; she notes that she likes spending fourth dimension with Adrian. Together they help each other find out the reason for the tattoos at Nevermore, when Adrian distracts the tattooist for Sydney while she investigates. Sydney offers to aid Adrian become out of Clarence's abode and into his own place, and besides helps him enroll in college for art. Together, they find out that Keith has been the one giving vampire claret to Nevermore for the tattoos.

At Jill'due south fashion show, Sydney and Adrian bicker with each other. In the finish, they have go close friends. After all the shenanigans Sydney accommodates Adrian in an apartment. She later visits his flat where Adrian says that Sydney eyes are beautiful and that she is cute and also that he can paint those.

The Golden Lily [ ]

Sydney and Adrian seem to take grown closer, shown past him sending her a text that makes her laugh, which is said to be a rare thing. When Sydney comes to Clarence'due south house, Adrian is overjoyed to run into her and fifty-fifty gives her a diet coke that he promised to requite her. While back at Amberwood, Trey Juarez sets Sydney upwards with his friend Brayden Cartwright, who is said to be her intellectual match. When Sonya asks Sydney to give up her claret to exist tested on, Adrian becomes highly protective of her and tells them that they cannot as she doesn't want to, which Sydney feels grateful towards him for.

Adrian asks her to drive him to San Diego to meet his begetter so that he tin can get into contact with his imprisoned mother. Sydney agrees to drive him and accompanies him to see his father, where she witnesses Nathan Ivashkov rip upwards everything Adrian has ever done or tried to exercise. At this bespeak, Sydney defends Adrian past telling Nathan that his son is a special person. To cheer him upwardly, she buys him a slushy, but as well buys herself one to please him, despite her not eating anything with carbohydrate in it. She also states that the slushy is carbohydrate free, fifty-fifty though she says it coats her oral fissure in sugar. She questions if it was worth it for Adrian and then realizes information technology was worth it for her.

When back in Palm Springs, Sydney asks Sonya and Dimitri to talk to Lissa about convincing Nathan that Adrian is trying to improve; due to this Nathan gives his son money and a car. At the Halloween Dance, Adrian calls Sydney and askes her to bulldoze him dorsum to his apartment because he was drunk. She leaves her engagement with Brayden to have Adrian home, where the power is out. He tells her that he drinks to keep the Spirit at bay or else he will go insane, merely Sydney tells him he is not going to go that way. Adrian asks her why she asked Sonya and Dimitri to help him, and she tells him that she wanted to assistance him because she felt helping him was a adept thing. They nearly share a kiss, but the ability returns. He says that he doesn't like Brayden because when he saw her, he wouldn't say she was "historically inaccurate", he would say "you lot're the nearly beautiful animate being walking this earth".

They both sign up for a self-defence force class, only Adrian is reluctant to touch Sydney and eventually quits. Adrian's car is a manual, simply he pretends he doesn't know how to drive a manual in order to spend time with Sydney, every bit he has fallen deeply in love with her.

Subsequently Brayden breaks upwardly with Sydney, she instantly goes over to Adrian'southward, where he confronts her about her eating habits, but she corners him about his lying regarding manual driving. To this, Adrian tells her that he made up things just then that he could spend fourth dimension with her. Afterwards, Adrian kisses Sydney and she kisses him dorsum, thinking that when she kisses Adrian all thoughts of logic and reason exit her mind (Page 413). However, she breaks off the kiss and tells him that they can't be together considering she is human and he is a vampire, alongside her beliefs in the arrangement of the Alchemist. Adrian tells her that he is the only ane that truly and perfectly understands her, but despite this Sydney walks away, looking dorsum at Adrian as her heart breaks.

The Indigo Spell [ ]

Sydney continues to avert Adrian, and he is moody around her because of her rejection. When catching a airplane to Philadelphia, Sydney is seated adjacent to Adrian when the flying company changed her flight. Adrian tells her that he will keep to dear her from afar, despite her not loving him. Sydney argues with him on that, to which he tells her that she is already half-manner in beloved with him.

At the wedding, Sydney comments that Adrian looks extremely attractive in his formal outfit; when he sees her he smiles and nods at her. The color of her clothes matches his of his adapt. During the ceremony, Sydney continually looks over at Adrian. At the reception, Adrian offers her a dance with him, to which she agrees. When two drunken Moroi men insult Adrian's late great-aunt, Tatiana, he becomes angry, just Sydney brings him out of his Spirit Darkness. People throughout the wedding comment that Sydney and Adrian looked similar they vest together.

Sydney askes Adrian to come with her to magic do with Jackie, where he helps her with advice. After finding Marcus Finch, Adrian sees a bruise on Sydney and immediately attacks Marcus, saying that everything nearly her has to practise with him. Afterward, Sydney is able to convince him to heal Marcus, merely as a deal Adrian heals Sydney, to which she agrees.

When at a higher political party, in a attempt to protect young witch Lynne Titus, Adrian makes her a college t-shirt and this gain them sharing a passionate osculation, during which Sydney even allows him to kiss her cervix, despite him existence vampire, displaying her consummate trust in Adrian. When she finds out the side by side day that Adrian has given her a hickey, she angrily tells him to never osculation her again.

Sydney invites Adrian to come up with her when she is practicing magic, where she creates a Callinasta (mini dragon); they subsequently become its "parents" considering the fauna is loyal to whoever it sees starting time.

When looking through some rooms at a Bed-and-Breakfast, they lay down on the bed in the Velet Room, where Adrian reads her aureola. He tells her that every time he touches her, the color deepens, and they almost kiss. However, they are interrputed by Alicia.

When Sydney begins to have nightmares in which she believes that Veronica is looking for her, she is brought to a Spirit Dream with Adrian, where they play board games to pass the time.

Adrian gives Sydney advice on seducing Ian Jansonin society to get access into St. Louis to steal video footage for Marcus. Afterwards this, in a subsequent Spirit Dream, Adrian asks her to change her clothes to the outfit that she wore to St. Louis. This leads to them passionately kissing on top of a table with silverware and pieces of china; while kissing on the tabular array they break several pieces of china. This annoys Adrian, and he changes the scenery to his bedroom, where things become hot and heavy. Sydney seems to want to have sexual activity with Adrian, but he tells he wants to have sex activity with her more romantically and not in a Spirit Dream.

Subsequently noticing that Jill saw and felt everything that happened in the dream, Sydney breaks it off with Adrian, which causes an argument between the two. Adrian becomes heartbroken when Sydney tells him that she is going with Marcus to Mexico to escape the Alchemists completely. Merely afterwards a talk with Wofle, Sydney changes her heed, alongside a letter Jill gave her from Adrian that she tried to open three times. Sydney tells Marcus she can't go with him because she realised that she was in honey with Adrian.

Opening the letter and finding a long series of numbers, Sydney works out that they are coordinated to Malibu where she finds Adrian at an ancient Roman and Greek museum. She admits that she loves him, after which they share another passionate kiss. They get a couple and accept dinner at a foudue restaurant, where they spotter the sunset while holding each other. When returning to Amberwood, Adrian kisses her goodnight and promises to call her first thing in the morning. Sydney says she is walking on air and disappointed because she has to exit Adrian.

The Peppery Middle [ ]

Sydney and Adrian having been dating for a month. Having visiting each other through Spirit Dreams and Sydney's independent report periods. Confronted with thinking of taking their relationship to the next level, Sydney begins to accept contraceptive pills. Presently Adrian is overcome with full revenge of Spirit afterward using it heavily in Dallas, Texas when taking blood from Dhampir Olive Sinclair who had been turned dorsum from a Strigoi, Sydney panicked when hearing that Adrian had fallen off the carriage and drank heavily, even to the point where he was arguing with a pawnshop owner who he had given his aunt Tatiana's cufflink to for two hundred dollars to look later. When returning back to Adrian's flat, Sydney finds out that Adrian had been hearing his Aunt Tatiana voice, they begin to argue that Adrian needs outside assist, to this Adrian denies this because he can't cut himself from Spirit. To this Sydney bankrupt down into tears, completely overcome with fear that Adrian volition eventually use too much and die or be locked upwardly. Adrian becomes anxious that Sydney is going to break up with him because he made her cry, but Sydney tells him that she loves him and she would never break up with him. She confesses that she's scared that Adrian is eventually go insane or kill himself. After finally realizing that he did need help, though without telling Sydney, he visits a psychiatrist who gave him mood stabilizers to keep the Spirit from completely taking over.

Non long after that, Adrian and Sydney are invited to the Moroi Royal Court past Queen Lissa who needs both Adrian and Sydney'south assist in the claret that was taken by Olive Sinclair. On the plane trip to Courtroom, the sexual tension had risen incredibly between the two, to the put where they would secretly touch each other and commutation glances with each other throughout the flight. Once at Court, Sydney feels that she finds information technology more strange that she is dating a royal than a Moroi. Later Adrian and Sydney have been settled into their rooms, Adrian secretly visits Sydney's room. They began to brand out and Sydney decides that she may be fix to physically advance her relationship with Adrian, but tin can't milkshake the feeling that keeps stopping her. Adrian decides to have her out for breakfast, where he would signal out the buildings to Sydney. Once at breakfast bar, they are visited by three Moroi men that considered to exist friends of Adrian. These so called friends keep to attack Sydney, but earlier any impairment is done Adrian shows up to protect her using 'treejitsu' a imitation martial art. Then Lars, Wesley and Brent are then arrested. Later on this incident Queen Lissa orders Neil, Adrian and Sydney are ordered dorsum to Palm Springs so they are no longer in danger. On the ride back the gang are involved in a abandoned vehicle simply none of them are harmed. They stay in a bed and breakfast and that is where Adrian and Sydney finally do it.

Sliver Shadows [ ]

Shadows everything has changed. Sydney has been taken past the Alchemists and Adrian has no way to notice out if she is okay or rescue her. Adrian's mother makes a reappearance and drags Adrian out of his drunken stupor, that he has been in always since the night when Sydney was taken, and takes him to Court. That is where he meets a temptation from his past. Young man Spirit user, Nina Sinclair. But Adrian never stops thinking well-nigh Sydney and when Marcus and him are able to visit Sydney's sister Carly'south college and get a lead from her. The atomic number 82 that Carly gave them was Keith who now information technology of re-instruction was residing in Boise, Idaho. Keith Darnell gives them a lead and they are finally able to locate Sydney in Expiry Valley. Sydney was existence tortured past Alchemist Grace Sheridan when Adrian is able to get two inmates to start fires which makes everyone evacuate. Meanwhile Marcus and his coiffure are taking over the facility and Adrian is rescuing Sydney from 'Persuasion' which is essentially a torture sleeping room. Later on Marcus and all the inmates are on their mode to a condom house and Sydney and Adrian are on their manner to Las Vegas. In Las Vegas they stay in a hotel and when Alchemists turn up Sydney makes an SUV accident up so she tin escape. And then they head to the Witching Hour, a Moroi run hotel where Adrian is seen as very important, as he is royal. They give him protection there. While in Las Vegas Adrian and Sydney become married with Adrian selling Tatiana'due south cufflinks and then he could afford the wedding. When the registrar calls Sydney Mrs. Ivashkov she smiles and explains to Adrain that she always idea she'd keep her maiden proper name. They go to the top of a hotel and get out Las Vegas in a helicopter and then a majestic Moroi individual jet takes them to Moroi imperial courtroom where Alchemists are waiting to endeavour and annul the union just Adrian and Sydney decline. Afterwards that, Lissa grants them refuge and the Alchemists are escorted off the courts basis. When Adrian and Sydney wake upwardly the adjacent morning they wake to find that Jill

according to Mead the couple are supposed to autumn in dearest since the starting time volume of BLOODLINES not SPIRIT Jump

  • Their relationship is even more forbidden than Rose and Dimitri's, since while dhampirs being together in the long run is not entirely unknown, Moroi/human relationships are completely taboo (The Keepers being i exception).
  • Both Sydney and Adrian accept a strained relationship with their fathers and care deeply about their mothers.
  • To the fans of the Bloodlines Series, Sydney and Adrian have been named "Sydrian" which is combination of Sydney and Adrian'southward names.
  • Sydrian came tertiary in the Best Fictional Couples, losing to Romitri (Rose and Dimitri) in the 2d to last round.
  • Sydney and Adrian share a "flower" in their relationship; a Morning Glory. This is strangely linked as the month for the flower morning glory is September the same calendar month that the Bloodlines Serial began.

Do Sydney And Gage Get Married,


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